This blog is focused on sharing experiences, starting with mine, on the relationship challenges associated with a spouse or fiance immigrating to the US along with the interesting process of developing and sustaining an inter-cultural relationship. I am the US citizen and my inter-cultural relationship is with a Ghanaian man - so most of the discussion involves similar relationships. However, the blog is open to hearing experiences of any relationship that is relevant to the topics posted.

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Learning to follow God's lead!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do you remember the first time you said goodbye to your husband at the airport?

That is one memory that will never leave my mind, and it was actually worse the second time. I believe I cried all the way across the ocean, into the night after getting home, and at least for a week. Talk about Cry Me A River!  The empty space beside me in the bed, in the car, while walking through a mall became more obvious and pronounced. My heart felt like it had been cut in half with the other half so many miles away. I found myself reaching out for his hand and finding no hand responding to mine. After being able to see his face, his eyes, his smile, hear his voice, his laughter, returning to chatting on line lost its luster for awhile. Looking over and over and over the hundreds of pictures we took together - seeing my beautiful Ghana. Wrapping myself up at night in his shirt that he gave me - his sweet scent so prevalent in the material.

I have never loved this way before. I will proudly be what he needs me to be as his wife because he is worthy of it, of me. I will always remember the first time and every time I have said goodbye to my husband at the airport - with that image in mind, I will thank God for every year, every day, every minute, every second, and every moment we have together as man and wife.


  1. reading this blog brings back to mind memories and am missing my wife more than ever. you always know how much you love and miss you partner when they are not by your side. love is so great and awesome!

  2. This topic definitely came from my heart, but, I was inspired to write it with your Mrs. in mind. The visa process is the vehicle that has been used to separate us, but, us separation is for a purpose that is unique to each couple and each individual involved. We must stay strong in our love and we must comfort each other, including our friends, as we stand firm through our individual journeys.

  3. So far those are some of the hardest days I have had and yes more tears than I care to ever cry again fell! The tears still fall not so often now but yes still at least a few days a month are spent longing to kiss his lips and hold him in my arms and at the end of the long day I wish I could just fall asleep in the comfort and security of his arms with my head laying on his chest. Yes 1/2 of my heart is so far away and aches to be whole again. I yearn for the day we are in the airport together again and pray we never have to say goodbye again!
