This blog is focused on sharing experiences, starting with mine, on the relationship challenges associated with a spouse or fiance immigrating to the US along with the interesting process of developing and sustaining an inter-cultural relationship. I am the US citizen and my inter-cultural relationship is with a Ghanaian man - so most of the discussion involves similar relationships. However, the blog is open to hearing experiences of any relationship that is relevant to the topics posted.

Send topic suggestions to me at

Learning to follow God's lead!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tell me something Good...

So far, we have talked about several challenges some of us (in some cases all of us) are facing and we will continue to do so because that is why I created this blog to provide a forum to express concerns and share wisdom. I want to use this next blog to remind us and others of what we have done well to strengthen our relationships.

Describe at least one thing that you have done successfully to strengthen your relationship. Tell us why you did this one thing and how you know it has been successful. I am going to think about this topic myself throughout my day today and report my story when I come home from work.

Focusing on the best in my relationship today and wishing the same for you!


  1. What the...I just got home from work and am shocked to see that there is nothing positive anyone can share! Hmmmmm. Are we just a bunch of whiners and complainers - oh poor me!

    If we are choosing to spend our energy only on the challenges and what isn't going as we would like how in heavens name can we ever expect to have the Greatest Love of All??

    I am going to share my one good thing I have learned to do that has really strengthened my relationship. I decided to really get to know my husband at the deepest levels. What I mean by that is I was interested in trying to understand his values and philosophies about life - something I never did in past relationships. By spending time getting to know him at that level I developed a better understanding and appreciation of who he is which helped me know what to expect from him. In the past, I always looked for the man to be like me, think like me, etc. When he didn't reflect me I didn't think much of him. This time I have really fallen in love with the man. It's like I see his framework which helps me to more clearly know what he would and wouldn't do - eliminating questions of his character, eliminating some of that crazy fear. I really on what I know to be true about him as a man and what I feel God has promised to me in him as a man - it has eliminated most fears and concerns that I had in the beginning of our relationship and I am a very, very happy woman because he has been very, very consistent in who he is.

    Thank you baby for just being you!

  2. Oh we are coming...just got in!LOL
    Positive things we have done to strengthen our marriage is pray together and with our children, family and friends. Involve ourselves in both the Ghana and U.S.A. church cultures through Bible study, missionary work and working with children. We find time to go on dates together and with the kids. Even if I am upset I still cook,clean and maintain my role as his wife. I do not withhold intimacy from a punishment(how can I :). We work on communicating more effectively by allowing the other person a time out so as not to get into heated arguments, this has been very beneficial as sometimes he does not clearly understand what I am trying to say and visa versa and the time outs allow us to reflect and in most cases the bright light comes on and we see each others point and can effectively discuss it and come up with solutions. We do not allow others to come between us and have our own secret code for recognizing haters and as such have avoided many arguments that use to come up. We are terrible when we team up...they don't see us coming because they usually don''t know what's going on and that we are on to them. We also do silly things that still make us feel young at heart and laugh. Just Trying2b Blessed Together.

  3. I'm taking a lot of notes from this one! Thanks Trying2b!

  4. I have learned to let go and let God decide. In many relationships I kept my guard up to keep from getting hurt because of one bad relationship. I never allowed someone to love me and get to know me. I would really have to say I have allowed him to get to know me and see aside of me I would not allow others. I feel comfortable with him and I can be myself, act silly, and just have fun. We are still a work in progress. Im sure there will be more to report in the coming months.
