This blog is focused on sharing experiences, starting with mine, on the relationship challenges associated with a spouse or fiance immigrating to the US along with the interesting process of developing and sustaining an inter-cultural relationship. I am the US citizen and my inter-cultural relationship is with a Ghanaian man - so most of the discussion involves similar relationships. However, the blog is open to hearing experiences of any relationship that is relevant to the topics posted.

Send topic suggestions to me at

Learning to follow God's lead!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Recipe Swap!

Looking for tips and recipes on meals that our Ghanaian husbands might enjoy. I do plan on learning how to prepare the recipes he eats in Ghana. But how about some other recipes you have found out your man enjoys? I think my husband will enjoy some Caribbean and possibly Mexican. Personally, I love Indian and Mediterranean recipes - I am thinking those will also work for him. I definitely plan on grilling up some grub - I know he will enjoy it as much as I do.

Talk to me my sisters or brothers. 


  1. I copied this comment from a face book group page I am on. It is from Aneesah Kamasan who gave me permission to post her comments:

    ... ok my website that I like that I have been learning from to cook for my baby is ... why am I starting off with my focus on some jamaican dishes like peas and rice, curry shrimo, and f...ish,oxtail stew, brown chicken stew, and jerk chicke? Well bcz jamaican food is heavilyinfluenced by the Africans. My honey loves smoked fish and veggies. He is very health conscious without being judgemental to others. My husband loves to cook as well and alwaysmakes a point that we will help each other in the kitchen andcook together. ( he takes initiative always kisses to him). He even speaks about learning to prepare the dishes I love love love - mexican food, italian, american, chinese, japanese. I was able to partake in some banku and fufu making when I was in GH with the family. So I will leave it up to him to teach me his dishes that he loves bcz I'm not the type to boot-leg no ones custom dish meaning I will not be making fufu out of mashed potatoe flakes. I have made jollof rice since I've been home and it was not exactly like our Aunts in GH. I'm not leaving it all up to him bcz we coordinate very well. I think I'm just looking forward to being up close in the kitchen with.. one of the domains to nourishing our bodies...We enjoy mealtime together and don't mind sharing one plate any way to be close together.. Ha!

    I like the rice balls that go with okra - tomatoe stew.. yummy.. I like red red too with fried plantains... My husband put in a special order for me like 4 hours before my plane was to leave when I told "babe, I've tried everything mostly but red red... itz made with black eye peas too good stuff I must add...

    Thanks Aneesah!

  2. U R very welcome.. =@) from Aneesah

  3. I was not abble to pull the site up, but here is another I found. Looks good!
